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Dr Poonam Bagga: Coaching with a difference – Learning to embrace the energy of love


None of these is what happens to us. It is our response to what happens in our lives and in this awareness lies our choice to be happy, grounded, centered, liberated.

If you are here reading this material, I invite you to stay just a bit longer in this very safe space to acquaint yourself with your enabling and empowering qualities.

The Human Story:

We humans, despite our numerous differences, have one common need – the need to feel

loved and approved of. These seemingly very normal desires, sometimes, bring with them unhappiness, frustration, low self esteem, a feeling of being unappreciated and unrewarded. We are wired for survival and if in our early years, there is any kind of overt or subvert rejection from any external agencies, a child may perceive this as an existential threat. Unbeknown to the little one, a narrative begins to form which often shapes our later behaviours, our stories and our life choices. Frequently, there is no conscious comprehension of this yet it has a potential for causing immense angst. We may feel stuck, rejected lost but not know how to change their world. Besides, this kind of unrecognised trauma may lead to discomfort and disease in the body in later years. If any of this strikes a chord or there are prolonged periods of inner turmoil that you notice and you feel that the time is right for you to invest in yourself, I invite you to book a free 30 minutes call to see how some very simple awareness techniques could be the start of many ‘aha’ moments.

Workshops I am offering 3 introductory sessions on how we can change our conditioned reactions which define us in times of stress and conflict, to deliberate responses. This puts us in driving seat of our emotions. The workshops are only an introduction to the bigger piece of inner work that each of us needs to undertake for changing the pathways in our brain. It is this that leads to transformative growth to achieve optimal life outcomes such as feeling anchored, being more productive and creative with a sense of self worth and being able to shape our own destiny.

I am Poonam. I am a recently retired eye surgeon with a meditative practice of over 30 years. I am also a fully certified Coach (Level VII certificate with ILM) and an Educator.

I offer evidence based and experiential one to one coaching for helping you materialise your dreams in to reality and simultaneously you develop life long skills to be a fulfilled and actualised person. Through my methodology of compassionate enquiry, you unveil insights, within you, that help you to maximise your potential not only in your professional life but also your personal one. This open doors for you to meet your true, awakened self, free of judgement and fear. This is a life transforming practice which can be learnt in four to six weeks. Why not sign up for a free taster session.