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Aware Parent Coaching

How to bring up happy and secure children

Being a parent is the most blissful whilst simultaneously the most challenging life experience. Children do not come with an instruction manual and each one is unique. To nurture and nourish them so that they grow in to beautiful human beings is a serious responsibility.

The reality is that whilst the children are growing up, most parents are also juggling multiple other balls including their busy jobs. There are many moments when parents are distracted and are not present to the needs of the children or even their own needs. With the changing family structures from extended to nuclear families, preponderance of children not being with one caregiver, there is need to ensure that the children are feeling safe at all times as they are growing up.

Even though, most couples are now thinking ahead and planning parenthood, there are many hidden areas that may be a struggle to navigate. Engaging in Aware Parent coaching increases your ability to be a more present parent. You are armed with skills to observe the child’s and your own needs promptly and respond to them quickly, thus avoiding more serious concerns which arise from ignorance about these issues. Aware parenting leads to happy children, fulfilled adults and cohesive societies.