Welcome to Insightful Awareness

Coaching Services

1. Career Coaching

How to maximise your potential in the workplace

You are hardworking, knowledgeable and smart but you feel stuck or you have had a break from career and feel uncertain about your return These are not uncommon situations but when we are in the midst of these, we can feel very lonely and unsupported. I provide for you a very supportive, still and non judgmental space where to explore your limiting beliefs and unveil your own inner liberating resources which take you to new heights of enjoyment and success in your workplace.

2. Leadership Coaching

How to be an inspirational leader

It is often said that the life at the top is lonely, as there is fear of negative judgment. You head a team, a department or an organisation and feel that your success is measured by the productivity and the outcomes. Whilst that is true, it is only a small part of the whole. The critical question here is how well you know yourself and how do you lead yourself. It is this latter which determines the kind of leader you are. Compassion and wisdom are the cornerstones of inspirational leadership but in our busy, frenzied lives, we pay lip service to these rather than embodying them. This is your chance to go deeper with in yourself to discover the true you.


3. Family Coaching

How to have a fulfilling family life

Many people have love/ hate relationships with the members of their family. The reason for this lies in unmet expectations. There is often hurt and resentment and occasions which are supposed to be loving and fun turn out to be nightmares! Learning about our wired neural pathways and how to overcome our natural reactivity patterns is a great start in understanding the complexities of family interactions.

4. Aware Parent Coaching

How to bring up happy and secure children

Being a parent is the most blissful whilst simultaneously the most challenging life experience. Children do not come with an instruction manual and each one is different. To nurture and nourish them so that they grow in to beautiful human beings is a serious responsibility. The reality is that whilst the children are growing up, most parents are also juggling multiple other balls including their busy jobs. There are many moments when parents are distracted and are not present to the needs of the children or even their own needs. Engaging in Aware Parent coaching increases your ability to be a more present parent who brings up more present and happier children.

5. Health Coaching

How to live with a chronic disease

This is a big topic as it encompasses many strands but my focus here is on helping people deal with the psychological impact of chronic disease. Any long term health condition can have limiting effect on the life of the sufferer and sometimes the carers. How to optimise the health outcomes especially in case of chronic disease requires an in depth exploration of knowledge about the disease process, the attitude towards life style choices and unravelling belief systems. Though difficult, it could have some rewarding outcomes.


6. Spiritual Coaching

How to connect with your actualised self

This is for you if you are exploring the existential questions about the meaning of life and would like to go deeper with in to understand your relationship with the universe. Learning awareness meditation with focus on the breath is a path to start this exciting journey. Your breath is a vital life force that connects your external environment with your internal milieu. Moment to moment awareness of the breath leads to a stillness of thoughts that creates space to discover your trueself.