Welcome to Insightful Awareness

Health Coaching

How to live with a chronic disease

The word health comes from ‘hale’ of feeling whole and the word disease is ‘dis+ease’ or absence of ease. This is rather telling in that the body begins to give us cues about some degree of dysfunctionality quite early on but we ignore these early signs.

I am passionate about the body and bring to you techniques and tools to heal yourself by learning to respect and love yourself, mind and body as a continuum.

Though there are many strands, my focus here is on helping people deal with the psychological impact of chronic disease. Any long term health condition can have limiting effect on the life of the sufferer and sometimes the carers. How to optimise the health outcomes especially in case of chronic disease requires an in depth exploration of knowledge about the disease process, the attitude towards life style choices and unravelling belief systems. Many of us worry about poor health yet are unsure about how to make wise choices and also tend to handover the responsibility of our health to others. If you feel that being well is an important goal for you and that you want to be the one in charge of how your body , I will share with you knowledge about how to start listening to the micro messages that are coming your way, how to express gratitude to your cells for always being active for maintaining a balance in the body and how to achieve optimal health.